Theater & Performance:
The Gospel
of John**
By Jack Helbig
February 9, 2007
From the first startling moments of Brad Sherrill's glorious
one-man performance of The Gospel of John, it's clear how much
he revels in its poetic power. The Atlanta-based Sherrill, a churchgoing
Christian, brings energy, craft and inspiration to this sometimes
preachy, sometimes transcendentally beautiful part of the New
Testament, which he delivers in its 20,000-word entirety. His
subtle, sensitive, word-drunk performance in the Provision Theater
Company production should please secular and religious audiences
alike...though Jews may need a grain of salt to appreciate the
literary power of a gospel that anti-Semites have used to reinforce
the idea of inherited bloodguilt. Through 2/25: Thu-Fri 8PM,
Sat 3 and 8PM, Sun 2PM, Royal George Theatre Center, 1641 N. Halsted,
312-988-9000, $25